Downloads – GNS Causal Modeling Results from Mouse Allelic Series

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Causal Modeling Results from Mouse Allelic Series Data (GNS HealthCare)

GNS Healthcare has:

  • Reverse engineered causal networks from Allelic Series data
  • Performed large-scale simulations over those networks, effectively performing thousands of in-silico perturbation experiments to characterize the downstream network response to Htt mutations
  • Identified key driver genes and control nodes for each network

Below you will find 5 sets of causal networks, built upon different subsets of the transcriptomics profiling, proteomics profiling and behavioural profiling data generated by the Allelic Series Project. Project 4 also incorporates polyQ expansion indices as a measure of in situ Htt somatic instability in the striatum.

  • Rosinski, J., 10th Annual HD Therapeutics Conference, Computational modeling of CAG length dependence in Huntington’s disease, February 23–26, 2015, Palm Springs, California.
  Causal Network Reconstruction from 2, 6, and 10 months (Striatum)
  Causal Network Reconstruction from 2, 6, and 10 months (Cortex & Liver)
  Causal Network Reconstruction from 2, 6, and 10 months (Cerebellum & Hippocampus)
  Causal Network Reconstruction from 2, 6, and 10 months (Striatum Deep Dive)
  Longitudinal Causal Network Reconstruction from 2, 6, and 10 months (Striatum)
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