Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy


CHDI Foundation, Inc. ("CHDI", "we", "our" or "us") or third parties acting on behalf of CHDI may use cookies and other technologies on, all of its sub-domains and all of its associated offerings (collectively, the "Website").

This Cookie Policy applies to your use of the Website. We may update this policy from time to time to reflect any changes in technology or laws affecting the way in which we use cookies. Any updates will be posted to this page.

Summary of this Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy explains why we use cookies, the types we use, and how to manage your cookie settings.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that store small blocks of data. They are stored on your device when you load the Website onto your browser. The Website uses "first-party" and "third-party" cookies that make the Website function properly, make it more secure, provide you with a better user experience, and help us understand how the Website is performing and where it needs improvement.

First-party cookies are those placed by us that are necessary for the Website to function as intended; they do not collect any data that directly identifies you.

We may incorporate the functionality of some non-CHDI (i.e., "third-party") websites or domains into the Website. Third-party cookies are those that we allow to be placed by those non-CHDI websites and domains. Third-party cookies collect similar information as first-party cookies but are primarily used for tracking how visitors interact with those outside websites and domains. Third-party cookies may collect data (e.g., your IP address, geographic location, browser version) that could under some circumstances be used to identify you.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to distinguish you from other Website users, provide a better experience when you visit the Website, and help us make improvements.

Cookies let the Website remember your interactions and preferences over time so you don't have to keep re-entering them when you revisit the Website or browse through the pages; this includes non-personal data about your device like language and font size settings and other display preferences.

Types of cookies we use

The Website uses three types of cookies:

  1. Necessary: cookies that are necessary for the operation of the Website. If you disable these cookies, the Website will not function properly.
  2. Functional: cookies that are used to recognize you when you return to the Website. We are required to obtain your prior consent to use these cookies on your device.
  3. Analytical: these cookies are not necessary and allow us to count visitor numbers and analyze how they use the Website. This information helps us improve the way the Website works, such as ensuring that users easily find what they are looking for. This information is gathered anonymously. We use these cookies to determine the kind of content and services our visitors most value. We are required to obtain your prior consent to use these cookies on your device.

Each of these cookie types is described in greater detail below.

More information about our use of cookies


Necessary cookies enable the basic features of the Website, such as providing secure log-in or adjusting your consent preferences.

Cookie Duration Type Description
cookieyes-consent 6 mon First-party CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users' consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store any personal information about the site visitors.
wpEmojiSettingsSupports Session First-party WordPress sets this cookie when a user interacts with emojis on a WordPress site. It helps determine if the user's browser can display emojis properly.
wordpress_test_cookie Session First-party WordPress sets this cookie to determine whether cookies are enabled on the users' browsers.
ci_session 1 day First-party This cookie is set as default session Cookie name in config.php in config folder in CodeIgniter.
PHPSESSID Session First-party This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie stores and identifies a user's unique session ID to manage user sessions on the website. The cookie is a session cookie and will be deleted when all the browser windows are closed.


Functional cookies perform certain tasks like sharing Website content on social media platforms, collecting feedback and other third-party features.

Cookie Duration Type Description
_cfuvid Session Third-party This cookie tracks users across sessions to optimize user experience by maintaining session consistency and providing personalized services.
wfwaf-authcookie-71bedefadb1d9b057853b09542026500 1 day First-party WordFence uses this cookie to determine if a user is logged in.
wordpress_logged_in_b0260624fa733e1066a970d52d5b3181 2 days First-party WordPress uses this cookie to determine if a user is logged in.
wordpress_sec_b0260624fa733e1066a970d52d5b3181 3 days First-party WordPress uses this cookie to provide protection against hackers.
wp_lang Session First-party WordPress uses this cookie to store language settings


Analytical cookies analyze how visitors interact with the Website and help provide information on metrics such as visitor numbers, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

Cookie Duration Type Description
_ga 6 months Third-party Google Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session and campaign data and track site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors.
_ga_* 6 months Third-party Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.

Managing cookie preferences

Necessary cookies are automatically stored on your device when the Website is initially loaded. All other types of cookies that help to maximize your experience when using the Website are not necessary, so we need your prior consent through our cookie banner to use them:

  • by clicking "Accept All", you consent to our use of all not necessary cookies;
  • by clicking "Reject All", you do not consent to our use of any not necessary cookies;
  • by clicking "Customize", you can consent to some, all, or none of our not necessary cookies before they are deployed on your device.

Once you set your cookie preferences, you can change your preferences by withdrawing your consent at any time via our cookie banner or by visiting our Cookie Policy webpage.

You can also set your browser to disable cookies but this action may block our necessary cookies and prevent the Website from functioning properly, meaning you may not be able to fully utilize all of the Website's features and services. Developer's instructions for managing your browser cookie preferences can be found through the following links:




Internet Explorer:

Microsoft Edge:

Please visit your web browser's official support documentation page if you are using any other browser.

Additional information and questions

More information about how we protect and process your personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Policy
1 October 1, 2024 Current Cookie Policy

Download a copy of the HDinHD Cookie Policy
